
July 26, 2024


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Talent has no gender

We encourage interest in science and technology

Talent has no gender

Our colleague Ainhoa Okariz, from the Department of Engineering, has participated as a mentor in the Inspira STEAM project of the University of Deusto, a project whose main objective is to promote interest in science and technology from an early age, especially among girls.

Inspira STEAM is based on awareness-raising and guidance actions given by professionals in the field of research, science and technology. Using group mentoring, it seeks to promote the STEAM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) among students in the 6th grade of primary school or 1st year of ESO.

In her participation, Ainhoa conducted six one-hour sessions for two groups of 1st ESO at Orioko Herri ikastola. Throughout these sessions, they were able to get to know new references of women scientists and technologists nearby, better understand the STEAM professions and learn about the existing stereotypes in these areas. Through dynamics and games, boys and girls were able to approach these professions without gender prejudices, an essential value for building a more inclusive and equitable future.

This work is not only enriching for the children, but also for the mentors who, on a voluntary basis, share their experience and pick up the vision and enthusiasm of the new generations.


July 26, 2024


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